The Redeemed - Spoken Word by tha' C.E.O

Have you been to Jesus 
Taking Heavenly race more serious? 
Have you been purged of your sins
The old life of self making it ceased. 
Be smart, 
Think Christ
His grace and redemption just so right
He gave his life for you 
Without thinking twice 
He paid it all, 
Your debts, he paid the price. 
He says, 
Though your yokes be heavy
For i'll make them light 
In your darkest night 
I'll shine as a light
Let me lead the way for you 
I'll direct your path 
Though your life seems dark
I'll make them bright. 
I'll fight for you 
And hold your peace 
Shortly under your feet 
I'll bruise satan
For i'm the God of peace 
At the mention of my name
All evil must cease
Just come to me, 
I'm gladly to receive. 
Faith the substance of things hoped for, 
Evidence of things not seen 
Like the woman with an issue of blood
You will be healed. 
Hallelujah, Graciously speaking 
King of Kings,
Reason for the season 
Breaking all chains
He will free you from all prison
He arose from the dead
Death could never hold him
Ascended straight into Heaven
Gravity couldn't pull him. 
We are heirs
Not just Heirs, but Joint-Heir
Christ in us
Because he is the head
Rooted deep in Christ 
In him we are planted
Making us bold
Taking away every fear. 
Saying, for i'll make thee the head
And not the tail
Above only always 
You will not fail 
I'll bless the works of your hand
Whenever you ask, 
Surely all will be found 
You will give to others 
For you will not borrow 
Your days filled with laughter 
I'll take away your sorrow 
I'll lead the way 
All you need is just follow 
For I'm the God of yesterday 
Today and tomorrow. 
These blessings are for those saved by Grace
True repentance in Christ 
You must be save
Living daily for God 
Running the Heavenly race
Because he so love the world 
That he gave his only son 
Whosoever believe in his Word 
With Him forever live long.


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