An Insight of the Jehovah Witness Publication

The Supreme Court decided to liquidate Jehovah's Witnesses.They are preparing an appeal
April 20, 2017
An attempt to completely ban Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia
Date April 20, 2017 has a chance to go down in history as a rainy day for the fundamental freedoms of man in Russia. Today, the Supreme Court has decided to liquidate the centralized religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, as well as all 395 local religious organizations of this religion. In the historical perspective, this decision can lead to the most unfortunate consequences for believers of different faiths, as well as for Russia's image on the world stage. To save the situation can be the cancellation of this decision in the appellate instance - the panel consisting of three judges of the Supreme Court.
Believers have already begun to prepare an appeal, which should be considered within a month.
Meanwhile, many organizations, both inside Russia and abroad, are expressing concern about the actions of the Ministry of Justice, as well as the decision of the first-instance court."This legal action is a threat not only to Jehovah's Witnesses, but also to the freedom of the individual as a whole in the Russian Federation, "We call upon the authorities, following their obligations under international human rights law, to stop the trial and review the legislation on combating extremism and the practice of its application."
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