Knocking at Heaven's Gate
Trying to activate
My Faith and ways not accurate
But Christ my best advocate.
His love so affectionate
His Grace and Blood adequate
Took my sins away and all my fate.

Knocking at Heaven's Gate
As a sinner, that's just appropriate
His Love i must appreciate
Infinity, no one can calculate.
Oh sweet Love, it so captivate
The inner-man of flesh, it deactivate
Sin and flesh he evacuate
Graciously speaking, I'm so fortunate

Knocking at Heaven's Gate
Without Christ, I can't germinate
He is my support and my helpmate
My spiritual being he motivate.
Now I'm a freeman, and a liberate
In his Word daily i meditate
Christ's so real, He's passionate
With stars in my crown, he decorate.

Knocking at Heaven's Gate
Christ died for my sake
His life for me he donate
Salvation and Holiness he generate.
Forever in me, we won't separate
No matter the trial, hardship or state
Christ in me, I can't suffocate
Because i'm at Heaven's Gate.  


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